Last weekend at our women’s retreat we heard from our beloved Beth Moore on the subject of “Loving Well”. She of course said it much more eloquently, and in much more detail, but the bottom line of our weekend was that we need to live, and love, out of the overflow of God’s love for us.
God is love. He loves us completely and unconditionally and we need to accept, and truly dwell in that love before we will be able to love others. Loving others is the second greatest commandment and really a measure of our spiritual maturity. (Mark 12:28-31)
Some probably have a really hard time just accepting the fact that God loves us unconditionally but I think I have a pretty good grasp on that.
But what does it mean to let God’s love “fill me up”? Because, really, if I let his love fill me then it should be enough for me. Love from my husband, my kids, my friends – that would all be icing on the cake, not a necessity.
So, since my “love language” is acts of service I was thinking about how God loves me through acts of service.
What came to mind first is the biggest act of service – he sacrificed his son to die on the cross so that I would not have to pay the price for my sins. I do not know of a greater way that God has shown his love.
While I can’t pinpoint tangible acts of service (like doing the laundry and the dishes) I know that God loves me in this way. How? Because Jesus, his son, chose to love by serving others.
1. Attending a wedding and realizing the bride and groom were out of wine, he chose to perform his first miracle and turned water into wine…really good wine. (John 2:1-11)
2. He healed many, even raised some from the dead.
3. He calmed the storm when the disciples were fearful for their lives. (Matthew 8:23-27)
4. He washed the feet of the disciples. (Ew, gross – that takes a true servant’s heart.) (John 13:1-17)
5. Jesus prayed for us. (John 17)
6. He takes away my fear and anxiety. (Phil 4:6)
There are so many more but this gives me a start. So what’s your love language? (Acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, quality time?) Think about it and then think about how God speaks to you in your love language. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I love your blog and especially this post!! It is so easy to lose site of God’s love for us. Thank you for a very much needed reminder!
Glad I stumbled upon you – what a great reminder.
My love language is words of affirimation. The scripture is filled with words of encouragement as well as commands to spur one another on.
Thank you for the reminder that my love language is a gift from Him that He wants me to overflow with for Him!
I hear love through acts of service. My hubby is spilt between quality time and physical touch. So both of those usually join together, because somehow he can’t separate it. I love that God has given us all of these languages to speak love, but it is because that is how He is. It is amazing to feel and know how much He loves us.
I’m really still trying to figure this whole thing out. I think maybe I show my love through gift but accept love through words of affirmation. Could that be?
I tell our little man named David that God named him “Beloved”. In essence…all of our names are “Beloved”. “I am my beloveds and He is Mine…His banner over me is love”…there is now place we cannot go where His banner of love is not over us…Blessings
Sounds like a wonderful retreat. I haven’t been on one of those in ages. Wish I could’ve come along – I need the break!
I’m not sure which is my primary love language now — I think I have cycled through them all at one point or another. Maybe God does too…or else He’s all of them rolled into One.
We’re about to use this Beth Moore Loving Well retreat this winter. You have some great ideas we may want to incorporate. I LoVe the ideas about the envelopes. Do you still have more info you could email me? I’d love to review how you guys set up your program.
Danja in Fargo