Well it seems as if this is certainly a year of change for our family. First with the adoption, and now with jobs.
After nearly six years with Palm Valley Church, Mark is leaving
his position as Executive Pastor. We truly love our church, the staff and our
friends but Mark feels as if God is calling him on to something else. We’re not
sure exactly what that “something else” is at this point. After months of
praying for God to show us what he has for Mark next, we feel as if we just need
to obey his “Go” and take a leap of faith that will allow him to show us the
amazing things he has in store for us. (And there is no doubt that they will be
Of course having the major breadwinner leave a job in the middle of an expensive adoption is quite a scary thought. But we are so blessed that we are in a position of NO debt and a nice emergency fund that allows us to be obedient to God’s call without the hesitations that many people would feel because of the finances.
God has also opened the door for me to step into more of a full time role at our church as the Communications Coordinator – handling the print and web communications. He is so faithful to provide in our time of need.
We appreciate all your prayers for wisdom and clarity in what God would have for us next. We are both super excited to see what the future holds. We would also appreciate your prayers for Noah and Natalie as we realize that there is a lot of change happening in our family this year and we want the best for them.
You can read Mark’s thoughts here.
Oh Julie, I’m praying for all of you during this crazy transition time! I know it can be scary but you guys have faith in the One who knows what’s happening. Hang in there and know you have the support of everyone who loves you!!
God has clearly lead you to this point for His plan and purpose!! It will be exciting as He reveals the details. All He has asked is obedience and faithfulness, both of which you are doing. The rest is up to Him and I’m know He has blessings in store for your family! I’ll be praying as you enter this new chapter in your life.
i just get the feeling that He is setting the stage for a really wonderful story here. Praying for you, and SO excited to see what happens!
We’ve been in that same place a couple times – and it is SO rewarding to follow God’s leading. Good for you guys – I’ll be praying for your next steps and can’t wait to hear what He puts in front of you.
Wow Julie, you sure are going thru some major changes this year. I know that God has a hold of your family he will never fail you.
We will pray for peace and comfort during this challenging time. Hugs!