So I feel like we are finally breathing a little easier around here after our accident, lice and surgery week. We have amazing friends and family who were praying for us and helping in any way they could.
I will admit to having a total breakdown on the phone w/ Stacey on Thursday night of that week as I drove to the hospital to see my mom. I totally vented to her for about 30 min on my way to the hospital. I felt much better after. Days later I discovered she had actually been in Bible Study that night and walked outside to take my call. Never once did she indicate to me that she was busy or needed to go. Now that is a true friend.
The insurance company did total out the van which was a bummer and left us in a bit of a bind. Thankfully however they extended our rental coverage for a week to allow us time to look for a van. Of course that’s not very much time when you are looking for an older used van, with low miles, that you can buy for $4700 🙂
Last Sunday our dear friends Dustin and Jen (w/ whom we shared our Ethiopia journey) stepped in and offered us the use of their old van, which they had been using at their company, for as long as we need while we’re looking for a replacement vehicle. Praise the Lord! It is such a tremendous blessing to relieve the pressure to find a van fast and later feel like we made a bad decision. It was just the encouragement that I needed – to know that God really did have a plan and would provided.
Then Monday Mark had a really cool experience while he was out running errands. He ran into a woman from our church who we haven’t seen in about a year. To make a long story short she gave him check. I can only imagine what a sacrifice it was for her but she said she clearly felt God’s direction. Again, a huge encouragement.
That night as I was doing my Bible Study homework I finally had a chance to go back and read the rest of the notes from the video. Karin had filled in the answers for me after I left to get the kids and Mark. The study is Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself which is about the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. The part of the video I had missed….
My purpose is beyond me.
My seasonal circumstances are often beyond me.
My unrelenting daily demands are often beyond me.
Through the infiltrating power of the Holy Spirit, I can…
- Do things I couldn’t
- Feel things I didn’t
- Know things I wouldn’t
“Beyond me” pretty much sums up that week doesn’t it. Gratefully I am not alone but have Christ to get me through.
I would have never told you I couldn’t talk because I knew you needed me! You are more important that any study I could have been in. Honestly, I felt so blessed to have the time to talk with you since we haven’t connected much lately.
What a blessing to have Jen’s van and the encouragement of true friends. God is working in and through you right now!!
Isn’t it amazing how God blesses us with the right people at just the right time! You are truly blessed with wonderful friends!