I was surprised that it took this long, but finally about two weeks ago Beza asked if she could get her ears pierced. I explained a little about the process and that it hurts a bit to make sure she understood. She vowed she still wanted them. I was hoping we wouldn’t have a repeat of Natalie’s experience. I told her we would get them done during Spring Break.
Then last weekend I was watching some Jon & Kate Plus 8 on the DVR and there was an episode of their 8 year old getting her ears pierced. It included tears and finally smiles. Perfect. I set Beza and Natalie down to watch that little clip for one last reassurance that she was ready. She was a little more skeptical but remained determined.
She vascillated between saying she would cry and she wouldn’t cry. Natalie was not helping at all with repeated “It really hurts Beza.”
So Thursday we did the deed with a quick trip to Claire’s. (After I spent close to 45 minutes on the phone with 4 different places trying to see when one would have 2 workers on hand.) She chose little red earrings to match Natalie (big surprise – NOT) and sat in the chair with her eyes half squinted close in anticipation of the pain – while I was still filling out paperwork.
When it finally came time to do the deed she squeezed my hands, the pulled the trigger and there were absolutely NO tears. I think there was a sharp intake of breath and a “ow” and some head shaking but she did really great.
That is awesome! I’m so proud of for being so brave. What a difference from when we took Natty, huh? Good thinking about getting two people at once :o)
Too cute!! They even have matching shirts. 🙂
Very sweet! Know that your family is being prayed for as you continue to settle in as a larger family. Sweet blessings! Amy in OR