Now, remember those amazing kids at Hope for the Hopeless that we told you about on our trip?
Well, how would you like to score some amazing Ethiopian coffee and help those beautiful kids?
My friend Brooke is traveling back to Ethiopia in a couple of weeks (along with her husband, MIL and daughter) to spend time at Hope. While she is there she will be purchasing 2 lb bags of authentic Ethiopian coffee beans (whole). Each 2 lb bag is $10 and ALL the profits will go straight to Hope for the Hopeless.
If you are local (in Phx) and want to purchase, either leave a comment below (and I’ll reply to you) or shoot me an email (azdesertdivaATgmailDOTcom).
If you live out of the area the easiest way to buy is through ebay. The cost is fifty cents higher to cover ebay fees. Coffee will be shipped after Brooke returns on March 23rd. Orders need to be in by the 10th.
Brooke is taking over about 12 suitcases full of donations so she has LOTS of room to bring back coffee 🙂
I’m thinking about it. Will have to see what the hubs says but I think it sounds like some great coffee!
Will she have to declare/pay duty on the coffee she brings back?