Last week at bedtime she glumly looked around the room and said, “Nothing is mine. Everything Natalie’s.” We’ve had this discussion about the bed and I tried to reassure her that the bed is just as much hers, that Natalie had a different bed until right before she came home and so it belongs to her and Natalie. She would have none of it then either.
Natalie, who is so sweet and caring, was quick to reassure her that she considered everything to belong to both of them but Beza just kept repeating “Nothing is mine.” I pointed out her dresser full of clothes. She pointed out Natalie’s little desk and play kitchen. I tried to explain that over the years yes, Natalie has collected quite a few toys, but she also has gotten special things.
I quickly realized the conversation wasn’t going much of anywhere at that hour and so we just moved on.
Sometimes that stubborn mind can be pretty funny too.
A few days ago while we were driving through the neighborhood she saw a couple teenage boys on bikes.
“Mom, I saw that boys panties!”
“Uh huh.”
“Mom, they were princess panties!”
“Beza, he wasn’t wearing princess panties. That was his underwear.”
“No mom, they were sparkly princess panties!”
We went back and forth about 4 times. She refused to concede and so he will forever be known as the boy in the glittery undies.
That is too funny! I can’t imagine a boy with sparkly panties but these days you just never know :o)