I really did not intend for my blog to take a summer hiatus but it kind of has. I had really good intentions of writing a lot last week but to be honest I was doing my best to keep my head above water.
Mark was gone for 8 days on another trip to Kenya with World Orphans. With the kids out of school that meant a little extra effort to juggle my work schedule and just when I thought I had everything figured out Satan threw me a whammy and 3 out of the 4 kids got sick – Natalie first, then Noah and Wendemagegn.
You think I jest about the whole Satan thing, but I’m completely serious. He knows when we are at our most vulnerable and I think he thinks he can get me to whine and complain about how hard it is to handle everything while Mark is gone and then maybe he won’t go. Well ha! I AM ON TO HIM!! Yes, it’s stressful and it always seems to get more so than I anticipate but it just serves as confirmation for me that Mark is doing what he’s supposed to be doing.
The kids handle his being gone fairly well. There were some tears from the girls and Beza was more emotional this week then she has been for the last month but I think a lot of that was because dad was gone.
I did add to the stress a bit by finding a GREAT deal on a condo in Anaheim for the week. Problem is check in was the day after Mark got back 🙂 Which meant that I had to get everything ready by myself including having some work done on the van. It was also crazy, nuts, off the hook at work trying to get a bunch of stuff done for a new series we start next weekend.
But we did it, we survived. Mark got home safe, got one good nights sleep in his beloved Sleep Number bed and then we left this morning for CA. First road trip for Beza and Wendemagegn and they had a hard time wrapping their minds around 6 hours in the car. But really the did pretty good other than Beza (and Natalie) asking “Are we almost there yet?” about a bazillion times.
After getting some pizza delivered I took the kids down to swim and Mark promptly fell asleep. It was after 10 before the kids were finally asleep and I ventured out to the grocery store to stock us up on food for the week.
What the kids DON’T KNOW is that we are going to Disneyland on Wednesday, courtesy of a man Mark met through World Orphans who has one-day passes for us. It’s huge blessing as we wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise. Noah is the only one of the kids who have been to DL and that was when he was 3. We’re going to tell them tomorrow and then sit back and watch them bounce off the walls for the next 72 hours.
I hope you all have such a wonderful week together. Well done to you for foiling satan’s plans for you to fall apart. I always knew you were strong! Love you all! Enjoy Disneyland!