Monday marked the end.
The end of a very long process.
Our 12 month post-placement social worker visit.
The last interview was performed.
The last check was written.
Apparently they’re going to let us keep them 🙂
I can remember those first few weeks home where the thought of trying to find something to fix for dinner (that they would eat) often drove me to tears.
I remember having to referee their fights with each other when we had no idea what they had just said to each other in Amharic – but it was obviously NOT nice.
I remember the jet lag.
I remember the tears.
In some ways it seems like yesterday, in other ways it seems like I’ve known them forever.
Either way, I can’t imagine our family without them.
Congrats on finishing your one year PP visit! The kids are such a blessing and a joy! We LOVE your family!!!
So exciting! What a blessing they have been to not only your family, but all those around you. We are so thrilled to watch them grow and learn. You guys are so special to our family!
We can’t imagine our family without them either! Congrats on finishing up the process.
I think this is my favorite post ever! It’s an in your face picture of God’s love, mercy and immense grace. The strength He gives us…you and Mark and those kid are walking examples of the strength God bestowes. I am priviledged and blessed to know and love your family!