No, I have not abandoned my blog – I’ve just been on an unintentional blog hiatus I guess. And no, it wasn’t in mourning over the dog.
Mark got back safely from his trip to Ethiopia and brought home lots of fab pictures that we’ll have to get together and share. Any time spent with the kids at Hope for the Hopeless is always wonderful time. He got to visit with one of our sponsored girls – Mary – who is incredibly dear to my heart.
We actually crossed paths somewhere in the air as I was headed to the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit in Minneapolis – my first conference since going to work for World Orphans. It was part work and part pleasure/education as I got to attend several of the breakouts and all the keynote sessions. The mom of my dear friend Jen was my roommate and navigator and I have to tell you that we had THE best time – lots of laughs together.
I was home for just 4 days before I left again. This time for my alma mater, John Brown University, in NW Arkansas. My journalism professor was retiring after 17 years and they organized a surprise retirement party for him. It was a blast seeing some old friends and getting to honor a man who was so instrumental in my education. I had the privilege of being his first editor when he arrived my junior year and we’ve kept in touch all these (cough, 17, cough) years. Thank you Mr. Warner! (Remember the “No Clothes Challenge” – well I have a funny story to share in another post.)
Then of course there is all the chaos that is the end of the school year – parties, Girl Scout ceremonies, the boys Living Wax Museum. My birthday – wow I didn’t even do a birthday post or anything.
Plus we got a visit from Mark’s sister Jenny and her family all the way from England. She and Annabel were delayed a bit getting here due to the dumb volcanic ash cloud but we had great fun with them and Rob when he joined them later. The kids LOVED seeing them.
School is now officially out and we’re trying to manage the four kids and two parents who work from home. We’ve opted to try a little bit more structured of a schedule for them – still plenty of time to play. We’re two days in and Beza declared this the “most boring day ever”. I think any day where she doesn’t get to go shopping is boring somehow. They love the adventure of going to the store.
So I got lots more posts percolating and a great book review coming, hopefully tomorrow, so stay tuned.
You mean you don’t have gobs of extra time to sit around blogging?? Look forward to the rest 🙂