Interestingly in the last month I’ve read a couple of news articles about similar challenges.
The “6 items or less challenge” had about 100 people going 30 days wearing the same basic 6 clothing items (not including socks and underwear). I love this slideshow that illustrates the different looks you can get with the same clothing items.
It’s even catching on in Europe.
Our gypsy lifestyle this summer had me living in the same 7 outfits (re-arranged some) for about 4 weeks. Boring? Yes. Easy? Yes. Didn’t have to think too much about what to wear.
The one potential hitch in our brilliant plan is that in the last several months I’ve lost 11 lbs. Great for me. Not so great for the fit of my pants. Although now there are some pants that I WASN’T wearing before that I am back in. It’s the summer shorts that took the biggest hit and I was only left with about 2 pairs that did not require me to hitch them up every 30 seconds. (Sorry, I hate belts with shorts.)
I probably could have talked hubby into letting me purchase some new shorts but I’m determined to not take the easy road out.
So this weekend I took out my trusty sewing machine (hubby purchased 17 years ago at a pawn shop for $20) and altered 2 pairs of pants and about 6 pairs of shorts. None of them would pass muster with the Project Runway judges but my t-shirts always cover the waistband anyways.
It has helped that I was given some hand me downs (totally allowed in the rules) from a friend so I have some new tops to mix in my wardrobe.
Plus in about 3 more months I can break into my “winter” (read long sleeves and jeans cuz that’s all a Phoenix winter needs) wardrobe. It’s kind of like having all new clothes again.
Of course the problem with this challenge is that come next April I’m going to be so sick of my entire wardrobe that I want to burn the whole thing and start fresh.
Which would kind of defeat the point.
I’m proud of you. I’m liking the sound of the 6 item or less 30 day challenge, but maybe make it more like 90 days. I’m pretty sure I could do that one standing on my head – I think i did the 4 item challenge for a whole semester in college. Ready to raise the bar??
You guys are awesome. Julie – I’m very impressed by your altering abilities. I sew straight lines and that is it. I can hem pants, but really don’t think I could change the size of anything – way to go.
Julie…I used to read your blog years ago but somehow lost track of you. I was pleasantly surprised when a friend linked to your Clothing Challenge post and I found you again…and wow…your family has changed a bit since I last read your blog! AWESOME!
I’m inspired by your challenge!