Tomorrow I am off to Austin and excited not just about the Together for Adoption conference, but the chance to enjoy some cooler weather. It’s still hitting 105+ here and I AM DONE!
On Wednesday I’m attending a pre-conference with Dr. Karyn Purvis – one of the preeminent authorities interventions for adopted, foster and other at-risk children. Before we adopted I read her book The Connected Child from cover to cover and have referred back to it many times. I’m looking forward to gaining even more wisdom on parenting Luke & Beza. Goodness knows we don’t have it all figured out. (I’ll have to tell you the “Battle of the Egg” story.)
Thursday and Friday are the actual conference and I’ll be trying to balance working the World Orphans booth, attending a few sessions and networking with other organizations and the individuals at the conference. They expect over 1,000 attendees and I can’t wait.
There are a ton of great “meet ups” happening for people passionate about specific topics or countries. I wish I could be a dozen places at once.
I’m going to be tweeting and blogging as much as I can so I hope you’ll follow along 🙂
Gotta love that you’re going to TEXAS for cooler weather! Not to brag or anything…but I’m looking forward to my few days in East Tennessee…where the highs will be in the 70’s. BUT – I know you’ll have an awesome time at the conference!!
Yay!! See you Thursday! I’m going to get some tips on parenting my four bio kids. I think Dr. Purvis has pertinent advice for any parent.