The last 18 hours have provided much food drama in the Gumm house.
Surprisingly it involved not Beza, but Noah. Well, I guess it’s not super surprising. I’d rank him second in the “food issues” department. I blame most of it on the fact that he was the first child and I cooked him a “custom” (i.e. things I knew he’d eat) dinner every night for 3 years. It wasn’t til Natalie was eating table food that I realized how ridiculous that was.
It took awhile but we got him eating vegetables and most everything we serve. But every once in awhile he will decide to be stubborn.
Sometime within the last year I allowed him to choose his “one thing” that he didn’t like and would not have to eat. Ever. On the nights when I served that meal he could fix himself a sandwich. (Note that HE does the fixing, not me. I am not a short-order cook.) He chose Goulash.
So last night I served Meatloaf Muffins. They’re from Rachel Ray’ kids’ cookbook and something he actually sometimes REQUESTS. Yes, he would prefer I make them without the chopped green bell pepper but everyone else likes it. So he’s allowed to pick it out.
But for whatever reason, last night he was not having it. He doused them in ketchup and then proceeded to scoot them around his plate. Everyone else was done and getting dessert (a rare treat) and it was still there on his plate minus a few bites.
I calmly told him that he needed to eat it or it would be making a reappearance at breakfast. His choice. The tears started, the begging, the pleading, the negotiating.
We finally gave him a certain amount of time to finish. He managed to eat maybe half of what was left before his plate was cleared and the remainder put in a leftover dish.
This morning he came down for breakfast and I pulled the container out of the fridge. As soon as I peeled off the lid he started in.
Now, mornings with Noah are already difficult. It’s a combination of not being a morning person and no ADHD meds yet. He’s kind of like a ticking time bomb. You never know what’s going to set him off.
There were tears, gnashing of teeth, yelling and threats.
“If I eat that I’m not going to school.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not. I’ll throw up and if I throw up I can’t go to school.”
“Sorry bud. Throwing up due to food drama does not get you out of school. It’s not contagious.”
We went round and round and yes, at one point I lost my cool. I pretty much told him “Sorry dude. Mom’s in charge. You will eat it one way or the other.”
I left him with a choice.
“Eat it now and then get some breakfast. Or eat it for dinner. Your choice. It will keep coming out until you eat it. After 3-4 days it’s going to start growing mold though so I suggest you eat it sooner rather than later.”
And I left it at that.
He went to school without breakfast, by choice, but I did let him pack a lunch. If I made him take the meatloaf he’d just throw it out anyways.
At one point last night he asked if he could have additional mashed potatoes to eat with it to make it taste better. I said no then. I’ve decided to compromise and give him a scoop of potatoes tonight with his reheated meatloaf.
Any bets as to whether he eats it or not? (I’m hoping that having just played a basketball game will make him extra hungry.)
Oh my how I can related. I had an issue similar to this with one of my children last year. I put the same food out for EVERY meal for 3 DAYS and he refused to eat always saying he wasn’t hungry. I did what I could to try to help him make it more palatable…and he’d eaten it before by the way fine but then developed an aversion to ALL beans and all vegetables and that is just not going to fly here.
Finally after 3 days I said ENOUGH. I am setting a timer for 5 minutes. If you don’t eat it in 5 minutes then you will get a consequence. I will then reset the clock and you get another 5 minutes. If the food is still here then you will have another consequence and this will continue until it’s gone. It took him 10 minutes and ONE consequence to eat it up and though he still doesn’t like beans, we have NEVER had an issue like that again.
I think it was more about control than the actual food itself!
All this when my hubby was in Iraq…no fair, huh?
Keep strong!
oops I meant relate not related! I should read what I write before I hit publish!
It was spaghetti!!!!!!!!!!