They haven’t learned that 1 out of every 8 people lack access to clean water.
They haven’t learned that because of that 4,000 children die every day, more than AIDS, malaria and measles COMBINED.
Thankfully there’s amazing organizations that are building wells to help bring clean water to those that don’t have it.
Unfortunately 1/3 of the wells built in the last 20 years are BROKEN. That means thousands of people without access to the clean water they once had.
Today is World Water Day and The Adventure Project, an organization I can personally vouch for, set a goal to raise $10,000 in ONE DAY. That money goes toward their Keep It Clean Project which supports WaterAid which set up a well mechanic repair business in Northern India two years ago.
The reason why I totally get behind this project is that it is not JUST fixing wells it is providing jobs. Jobs for women like Ram Rati, one of the first women handpump mechanics.
Now when a well is broken the villagers notify the shop which sends a well mechanic over on a bike. The Keep It Clean Project set a goal of $22,000 to:
TODAY that goal could become a reality. If The Adventure Project can raise $10,000 TODAY the Prem Rawat Foundation will MATCH that donation.
So 100 bloggers (actually more) have joined together to see if each of us can get 10 readers to donate $20.
I’m making the first donation, so that means I need 9 more of you.
[…] to their nature, The Adventure Project (remember World Water Day, the coal stoves, the irrigation project) is tackling healthcare issues in a unique […]