Okay, we’re in the home stretch of the new book on debt-free adoption and I need your help with the title. We’ve kicked around a lot of ideas and I just can’t decide. So below are some of the most popular choices. Vote for the one you like AND/OR suggest an alternative title in the comments below. I’ve got to nail this down in the next day or two so my designer can start working on the book jacket. First, here’s the book summary….
After making the commitment to a debt-free lifestyle change, Julie Gumm and her husband, Mark, were one month away for their goal of paying off the last of all they owed. Their resolve would be tested when they felt God leading them to adopt two children from Ethiopia. A few months later, with their income unexpectedly cut by two-thirds, could this couple really reach the finish line without crossing back over into the red?
When they brought home their two children from Ethiopia in 2008, Julie and her husband proved DEBT FREE ADOPTION is possible!
Passionate about helping others achieve the same, Julie shares her in-depth practical guide to finding extra money in your household budget, applying for grants and tapping your creativity in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. Featuring stories from more than 25 families, (BOOK TITLE) will show you how to fulfill your adoption dream without signing away your financial freedom.
I can’t wait to see what the results are.
I for one am shocked that you never asked my opinion on a name 🙁 Just kidding, I know you have lots of friends helping you out!
Here’s one or two I just came up with…
Adoption without debt, you bet!
Adopting debt free, it worked for me
The debt free option for adoption
The adoption blessing without the financial curse
Okay… I’m done :o)