I just loaded the files to the printer. My bed is calling me.
But a promise is a promise, so here you go.
Like I said, Cameron rocked it! Hiring him was pretty much the smartest decision I made in this whole process.
I know it’s kind of hard to read, so here’s the text from the back jacket.
In 2000, Julie and her husband, Mark, declared war on their debt – credit cards, student loans, cars and the house. Seven years later, as they wrote the check for their last mortgage payment, God called them to adopt two children from Ethiopia. A few months later, with their income unexpectedly cut by two-thirds, they wondered if they could finish the adoption without crossing back over into the red.
When they brought Wendemagegn and Beza home 12 months later, Julie and her husband proved debt-free adoption is possible!
Passionate about helping others achieve their adoption dream, Julie shares how to find extra money in your household budget, apply for grants, and fundraise in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. With over $65,000 worth of creative fundraising ideas from more than 25 adoptive families, Adopt Without Debt shows you how to fulfill your adoption dream without signing away your financial freedom.
And no, the web site isn’t set up yet. I’ll get to that next 🙂
The book comes out May 11th – on my birthday. Pre-orders available soon. If you want to get an email when pre-orders are open, sign up for the email list.
Proud of you sweetie. You achieved your dream, and I trust God will use it to help others bring more kids into forever families.
love you infinity 🙂
Praise God, Julie! I am so excited for you and to see how many families he will bless who never thought it was possible to afford adoption.
I am so excited for you! I can’t wait to read it. How do I get an autographed copy :-)?! God is going to use this in huge and unexpected ways!
Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment.
I’m saving my tears for CAFO. This occasion calls for a squeal of excitement. *Eeeeek!*
Praise the Lord!! Get some sleep 🙂
This is the first time I’ve ever seen your website, I’m so excited that I cam across it! I saw from Dan Cruver’s FB about this book. We are currently in the process of our second adoption and I have a huge heart for orphans. I do a lot of local non-profit work advocating for orphans and adoption, I meet reugulary with a lot of families and this is the number one reason why they feel they can’t adopt…cost. I’m so glad to hear your story of fiancial freedom and to see this book, I think it will be a wonderful resource to all and can’t wait to read it!
How do I order a copy? Sounds great! I have a couple in mind who would love ideas. Thanks! Tamela