Sorry. Was that mean?
I got the mostly-finished cover design late on Thursday night. The uber-talented Cameron Smith has been AWESOME and tolerated a lot of back and forth, “I don’t know, there’s just something…” and general wishy-washiness on my part.
Up to this point we’d really been focused on getting the front right, so I hadn’t seen the whole thing.
When I opened it up, I will admit that I got a little teary. Sure, I’d seen my name on the front, but something about seeing my name on the spine of a book made me all tingly. I could envision it on a bookshelf. In someone’s living room. It was AWESOME!
Earlier on Thursday I dragged Jen out for a photo shoot so that I could get a new headshot for the back cover. I needed someone I could be a total goofball with, and that would humor me by taking 900 shots with two wardrobe changes. Plus there’s a couple picturesque spots near her house.
So it wasn’t 900 shots, it was only 360.
Then we met Stacey at Wildflower Bread Company and the girls helped me go through a printed draft of the book and come up with chapter titles and figure out if my section breaks were right. I had Stacey read some of the sections and see if they made sense to an adoption newbie. (Although I’m not sure she TOTALLY qualifies as she’s listened to me babble “adoption-ese” for 3.5 years.)
We had to move to Starbucks when we closed down Wildflower at 9 (they seriously need to expand their hours). We went through all of the photos and had quite a few giggles. We did find about 7 or 8 REALLY great shots so I was ecstatic.
THESE, are NOT them.
“I’ve had THIS much sleep this week.”
Demonstrating how hard it was to smile without showing my braces for 2 years.
“Are people staring?”
You can’t really see them, but I was demonstrating “prom hands”.
AND…this is what happens when the two of us have a camera and the giggles…
So before I lay my head on a pillow on Sunday night (or most likely in the wee hours of Monday) I will send the book to the printer.
And I will post the cover for you all to see! 🙂
I think a montage of these photos is a must for your book. 😉
I’m excited for you!
“That’s freaking out! That’s freaking out!”
I had such a great time! Thank you for letting me be a small part of your book. It really means a lot to me and I hope you know how proud I am of you and what you’ve accomplished! I love ya, girl!