I’d say I’m fairly organized with the paperwork in the house but there’s still more of it then I would like.
Mark has even more. I think he tends to print out more things to save than I do. My philosophy is if it’s online why should I print it?
So a few months ago I started to use Evernote. Mainly I’ve used it’s web clipper function to grab stuff I see online and then file it in digital notebooks that I can sync between laptop, iPad, phone, etc.
Then Mark stumbled across a couple posts by Michael Hyatt, Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing, where he talks about how he uses Evernote. He’s gone paperless in his home office. Seems he’s inspired Mark a bit.
Except I had to laugh last night when we were talking about it and Mark asked “Did you see the post about how he organized his notebooks? Here, I printed it out.” We both laughed as he handed me the PAPER.
Guess we’ll have to do some retraining.
I spent the $25 bucks for the Essentials of Evernote by Brett Kelly – WELL worth it. Took me just a couple hours to go through it with Evernote open and I have a great grasp on how I can use it efficiently to manage work documents, task lists, expenses, recipes, kids info, etc.
Now all I need is a weekend with my scanner and my laptop 🙂
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Scanner + shredder + husband out of country for 3 weeks = happy wife
Happy wife=happy life 🙂