Days of fun and games…
…and whining.
“I’m bored,” gets nipped in the bud fairly early on at our house. Any child who uses this line ends up cleaning something – the kitchen, the bathtub, the walls. (Insert, evil maniacal laugh here.)
But the last few days the kids have been driving me crazy with, “Are we doing annnnnnnnything this week? We nnnnnnnnnever doooooo anything.”
Hm, let’s see.
- gone swimming
- Lego camp
- basketball camp
- sleepovers w/ friends
- Chuck E. Cheese
- Water Game party
- piano/guitar lessons
- singing lessons
- the store (for the kids to shop)
- Red Robin
- Cracker Barrel
- the movies to see Judy Moody
- Dunkin Donuts
- another summer movie tomorrow
Um, yeah. We nnnnnnnnnever go anywhere.
Working from home is a double-edged sword. On the one hand we’re here, spending time with the kids, not having to put them in a program. On the other hand, I think sometimes it’s more frustrating for them that we ARE here but can’t just play with them all day.
Plus the fact that it’s 110 degrees outside doesn’t help, and leaves you to find indoor activities. Which, when you multiple the cost by $4 kids, can bankrupt you faster than your ice cream cone melts.
I’m thinking I’m going to put a running list of our activities on the refrigerator so that every time I hear “we never do anything” I can point whining child to said list.
Yep, it’s hard to say no to Julia when she wanders into my office in the middle of the morning and wants me to play. At her age, it’s easy enough to stop and play for 15 minutes and then go back to work.
I love the idea of a list of all of our activities. I’m so sick of hearing we don’t do anything all day. Really??? Maybe we shouldn’t do anything all day and then they’d see how much we really do! Crazy kids :o)