A couple months ago I received a copy of “In On It: What Adoptive Parents Would Like You to Know About Adoption” from author Elisabeth O’Toole.
As an adoptive parent you sometimes feel like your speaking a foreign language to your friends and family and you notice that their eyes start to glaze over. Often during our process I thought, “I wish there was a quick resource I could point them to.”
Well, now there is. “In On It” is the perfect book to give to your parents, close friends and other relatives. It will answer many of their basic adoption questions like about paperwork and the adoption process. But it also covers topics like the child’s right to privacy (about their story), positive adoption language and ways to support the adoptive family during and after the adoption.
The book is a quick read and full of practical advice.
Thank you so much for this. I am just beginning on my path toward adoption. The amount of information on the internet is overwhelming. I have been having a difficult time finding books/resources.
Is this book only available online or do you think I will be able to find it at my local Books-A-Million?