Since that time I have “pinned” no less than 284 things.
47 of them are on my “Things to Create” board.
Now I can finally say I made something from Pinterest!
I LOVE the photo canvases that are popping up everywhere. I’ve even got a company that is offering me a free one to do a review.
But until a few weeks ago I felt like I didn’t have any canvas-worthy photos. Now, thanks to my friend Kim I have a ton of great shots.
I’m finally going to have my wall with a photo canvas of each of the kids.
But, thanks to Pinterest, it’s DIY baby! (That’s do-it-yourself for you non-crafty people.)
I used THIS tutorial and in about an hour today I created two canvases. These are actually going with Mark to Ethiopia to give to Luke & Beza’s grandmother.
I had 12×16 enlargements made at Sam’s Club for about $2.50 each. I bought a 2-pack of 12×12 canvases at Michael’s for $8. I used scrapbook paper I already had for the edges and some craft paint from my supplies. Had the modge podge already too (although Pinterest has homemade recipes for that if you need it).
So for about $7 each I’m thrilled with the way they turned out!