I hate mornings. I always have. I am SO not morning person,
Of course this tidbit managed to completely allude my husband during our 4 years of dating. SURPRISE.
In an ideal world I would wake up, have coffee, check email and shower before anyone spoke to me.
Of course that doesn’t really work when you have 4 kids. Three of whom are morning people, along with their dad. UGH!
Lately I’ve grown weary of the morning chaos and noise. I feel like I’m constantly telling someone to get back on task or to stop annoying their sibling.
It puts me in a bad mood and doesn’t help them either.
So the last couple days Mark and I have been throwing out ideas. We talked about taking away electronic time if they’re not ready but I decided to change that to something positive.
Our kids get a limited amount of electronic time (tv, computer, wii, nintendos, etc) Fri – Sun.
This morning I told them that I would be giving NO reminders. No nagging. If they were COMPLETELY ready to go when I said to get in the car they would earn 15 extra minutes of electronic time.
We leave at 7:30.
It’s 7:15 and they are ALL ready.
Without a single reminder from mom.
I think we found a system. (Although we’ll probably change it to 10 minutes per day.)
I’m not a morning person either, but this sounds like a good idea. I might have to steal it. 🙂