I’m not sure how it came up, but at the dinner table we ended up talking about what we’d do if we had a billion dollars.
Noah said he’d buy every LEGO set in existence.
“And?” I asked.
He stared at me like I was crazy. I explained that he would still have LOTS of money left over. He wasn’t convinced.
They really have NOOO concept of a billion dollars 🙂
So then I asked all of them “What are 3 things you would do if you had a billion dollars?”
I purposely said “do” vs. “buy” because I was hoping that someone would say something like “feed all the hungry kids”. Yeah, not so much.
- Buy every LEGO set in existence.
- Buy a huge house so he had room for all his LEGOS.
- Buy every video game system and game.
- Buy a football field (I said maybe he should have a house on the land too.)
- Build a school (location unspecified)
- He’s undecided on his third choice
- Buy a ranch with horses
- Buy a seafood restaurant so she could eat all the shrimp she wanted
- Buy a zoo
- Buy all the kids at school an iPad to use instead of textbooks
- Buy a restaurant
- Buy a big house with maids
Notice that no where in there is “buy mom a convertible”. Or buy mom anything for that matter. Guess I know how I rank 🙂
We ran out of time before we got to Mark and I, so we promised we’d answer tomorrow.
What would you do with a billion dollars?
I would buy Mark a convertible to make Julie jealous lol.
When I was a kid, it would have probably been toy cars, a horse, and the entire American Girls catalog. (Not to mention cleaning out Toys R Us and a huge house to put it all in.)
Nowadays it would probably be start a charitable foundation (got to get that out of the way first), then a year long tour around the world including plenty of cruise ships, then a big old house in the Hawthorne district and a second residence in San Luis Obispo for those long, long winters. Let the fun go on from there!
Actually, I find that 10 million would probably be a better number to play with. It’s enough to have some fun and go a little wild, but little enough that you could really mess yourself up if you went hog wild. (As many lottery winners can probably attest.)
Also, I think there would be serious security considerations with a being a billionaire — worse than having a few mil in your pocket. The few mil would probably be more fun and worthwhile in the tradeoff sense of how it improves your life vs. how it makes your life worse.