And no, I’m not talking about the dog. Let him lick the dirty dishes to his heart’s content.
I am talking about the plates. The red plates.
It’s after dinner. Each child is asked to put their dishes in the empty dishwasher. The first plate goes in. I’m not sure which was the first plate but, for the love of all that is holy, why is it NOT in the first slot? Why is it in the 3rd or 5th?
Then child #2 comes along. Yes, slot #1 would have been ideal, but they couldn’t even put it next to the other red plate???!?
Yes, I realize I need therapy.
I should be happy the dishes went in the dishwasher at all. I did hold my tongue. I took a deep breath. Took a picture so I could rant online. Rearranged the plates and went on with my night.
My first reaction is “Those look plastic. They belong on the top rack!!!” And you only need therapy if I do too. I take photos of the ridiculous things that my children do around the house and then text the photos to them.
Wait? Plastic is supposed to go on the top rack??? Now you’ve done it, I’m a total mess. (Just kidding – we still use too much plastic stuff to ever do that but it doesn’t seem to matter.) Texting pictures works, but sometimes I take it a step further and post them on Instagram and then tag them so all their friends see 🙂 Technology rocks!