We tried again with soccer at age 5 – again with friends from church. He wasn’t that great at listening to the coaches and half the time didn’t want to play during the games. He also tended to get pretty upset when the other team scored.
So we called a timeout on extra curricular sports for a time.
As Natalie came along she really didn’t ask as much. I did enroll her in a gymnastics class at the gym and she is now doing ballet in an after school program (taught by one of the moms). She’s more of a flitter though. Six weeks of gymnastics was enough. She’s been in ballet for about 9 weeks and she claims she’s done. (Two practices and a performance to go.)
Just in the last year Noah has been asking about sports again and we decided to give it a try. His attention span is much better and after attending several Diamondback games this last year he’s taken an interest in baseball.
One of our friends is the coach and Mark and another guy from church are helping. There are 4 kids on the team from church so it’s been a fun time. I think we’ve played about 6 games so far and we are 0-5-1.
Every night at bedtime Noah prays, “God, please let us win just one game before the season is over.” I thought for sure we were going to pull a win out of the hat last week but it ended up a tie.
It’s pretty comical to watch the kids. They have yet to get a lot of the basics down. Noah was on third today when Dylan hit a pop. He ran home as fast as he could but when the infielder caught it he had to run back to 3rd. Luckily they were just as confused so he made it back to 3rd and evenutally back to home again. Whew!
I have to say I’m really proud of the sportsmanship that all the boys are displaying. They cheer each other on and don’t seem to get dismayed when the other team is scoring more runs than us.
Rounding home (the second time)