We shot out of the gate with amazing news on Monday morning to the tune of a $6,000 scholarship for the kids tuition.
Tuesday morning I noticed a diamond is missing from my wedding ring.
Definitely a “first world” problem, I know. I’m really not that upset, except for I think it looks weird to have this hole there. Think a jeweler could find a cubic zirconia about the same size and glue it in? Or how about a rhinestone from the craft aisle at Wal-Mart?? 🙂 I don’t really want to pay to put a new diamond in. I guess a trip to Zales is in order to see what they can do.
Tuesday night the landscapers came out to shape up our backyard and fix some sprinkler issues we’ve had that have kept my backyard grass dead for the last 6 months. We originally had planned to put a pool in the backyard but now that’s not happening (thank you Dave Ramsey) so I decided it was time to do some landscaping over there. Excited to do some projects back there now that the weather is starting to cool off (if it will make up it’s mind).
Later that night Mark says “I think we have termites.”
Yeah, not a sentence you want to hear. Ever!
Wednesday we got new family pictures taken. I think family picture sessions are pretty much Mark’s idea of torture. And the kids are never that enthusiastic either. Beza for some reason started out in a really sour mood and I had to hang a birthday party sleepover over her head. In no small part to Kim’s candy bribery and her great way with kids, Beza turned around quickly and started really having fun “modeling”. She’s super photogenic and was excited when Kim would show her the pics. I don’t have all the pics yet as Kim’s still editing, but I love this one. I told her I wanted casual, fun, real life and she totally captured it.
The kids are on fall break and we’ve had friends sleeping over the last two nights.
Somehow one of them still declares the days “boring” and “not that fun”.
You know, because Mom and Dad have to work and can’t entertain them all day 🙂