I had Jen & Stacey over for some dessert and coffee and we chatted late into the night. As they were leaving we were standing in the door chatting. Buddy sitting nearby just hanging out.
Before we knew it the crack in the door had widened and he was out.
And he BOLTED!
At first I thought oh, he’ll run a few doors down and then slow down and so I was kind of half-heartedly jogging after him. Then I realized he was serious.
It’s was after midnight and I was yelling his name as I took off sprinting down the street (in bare feet).
I hollered back for one of the girls to get in their car and follow me. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to keep up with him for very long. He was around the block before he began to sort of slow down. He was running up toward each house front door and then side yard – maybe sniffing for friends, but about the time I would get close he’d run to the next house.
Jen pulled up alongside and I asked her if she had any food in her car. She had a Cliff bar in her purse which she handed me and she got out to help me kind of corner him.
As buddy came down someone’s driveway I started throwing bits of Cliff bar to him to lure him closer to me until he got close enough for me to grab and lift up.
Whew! I got in Jen’s car and she drove us home.
The really bad part is that the whole time I was sprinting I was realizing that he had no collar on. Two days before we’d finally taken him to the groomer and they forgot to put his collar on. They had called me about it just a few hours later but I hadn’t been by to pick it up.
I also realized I am REALLY out of shape. After we got back and the girls left I was hacking and coughing for a good 30 minutes.
Bad dog Buddy!
Does this mean the dog needs attachment therapy?? 🙂