Someone on Twitter linked to this great post from the blog owner of San Diego Steals and Deals on how their family afforded adoption – twice.
She has some great ideas including using internet reward programs and bartering for things you need.
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Someone on Twitter linked to this great post from the blog owner of San Diego Steals and Deals on how their family afforded adoption – twice.
She has some great ideas including using internet reward programs and bartering for things you need.
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Great story from the Today Show.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
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I’ve never stopped except to use a bathroom, get food or get gas.
But during my book research I got acquainted with the lovely Lara at “The Farmer’s Wife Tells All”. She’s the only person I know that lives in Yuma and one of these days I’m determined to meet her in person!
She and her husband are about ready to leave for Uganda to pick up their precious A. Her friends are throwing her an untraditional baby shower and asking for donations to help fund their plane tickets and the last of the fees.
But as baby shower door prizes go, this one will knock your socks off!
Yep, it’s a Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital Camera (Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS II Lens included). There’s an extra lens plus some other great prizes too.
I know a bunch of photog friends that will love this!