Until last year when I discovered Tallwish.com!
I set up a Tallwish group for our family with each family member having their own login and password.
Each person goes in and adds stuff to their wish list. You can provide links for online shopping and rate your items on a scale of 1 (MUST HAVE) to 4 (thinking about).
You can also add “secret suggestions” to people’s lists. For example, I’ll often stumble across something I think would be great for one of the kids. I can go to their wish list and add it. When they are logged in and looking at their list, they don’t see it. But EVERYONE else does.
When you decided to buy something for someone, you simple select “I will get.” Then, when anyone else is looking at that wish list, they will see, “Taken” next to the item. But the owner of the wish list, sees nothing. No more duplicate gifts.
I love that throughout the year when the kids say “For my birthday I want….” I can just tell them to add it to their Tallwish. A couple of months before their birthdays they’ll also log in and make sure everything is current.
It’s made everything so much easier for us.
Do you have any apps or websites you use to track gift buying and wish lists?