Last week I chopped about 7 inches off my hair – what amounts to about 4 years of growth. I’d been contemplating a cut for awhile – even before our trip to Africa. But I was afraid to cut it before we picked up the kids as all the pictures they’d seen had me with long hair. So I waited. Then a few weeks ago my friend Vi got an awesome haircut and I admit to having hair jealousy.
Luckily I have the most awesome hair stylist in the world and we arranged for a haircut on my lunch hour. I had mentioned to the kids that I was getting my hair cut but it apparently did not register.
When I went to pick them up from school I sat in the van waiting for them. Beza came out first and I realized she was going to walk right past the car. I called her name. She looked at me with a blank stare. I pulled my sunglasses down. She gave me the arched eyebrow and exclaimed “Oh MOM. Hair NOT NICE!” I would give anything to have that on video.
One by one the kids proceeded to get in the car and denounce my new hairstyle vehemently.
When we got home Mark called me “Bob”.
Wendemagegn took to calling me “Shortcut”.
At bedtime Natalie finally caved and said, “Mom, you hair is a little cute.”
Lucky for me I have good self-esteem and don’t need their approval.
Plus having all my girlfriends weigh in on facebook with an enthusiastic approval helped 🙂
What we cut off…
The end result.
The next night at dinner Beza looked at me wide-eyed and said, “Mom, your hair grow!” I guess it looked longer. Whatever makes you feel better babe!