Today, I’m thrilled to have my friend Jennifer Linck guest post. She’s recently published a great book and is the perfect person to write about how adoption plans can change. Maybe your adoption won’t change as dramatically as hers, but there are bound to be twists and turns. At the end of the post, find out how you can win a copy of “Bringing Home the Missing Linck: A Journey of Faith to Family.”
I always thought my feet would touch African soil. That I would board a plane, fly over oceans, and lock eyes with my chocolate-eyed child.
I remember the exact moment God called us to adopt. The moment we fell in love with Ethiopia – a country we had only read about. I didn’t hear Him wrong.
Yet here I am, almost four years after I heard that still, small, voice, and I’ve never boarded a plane or held an Ethiopian child in my arms.
But I am a mother through adoption.
God didn’t take me to Ethiopia, but He taught me things and changed me through the journey, and it all led to my son.
I’ve learned adoption rarely goes how you plan.
It’s too uncertain. Rules change. The journey is a roller coaster.
God can lead you one way and in a split second redirect your path.
Your heart has to remain open; you can’t put God in a box. You never know how He will choose to knit your family together.
He allowed me to fall in love with Ethiopia because He knew my heart needed to change.
As we pursued an adoption from a Third World country, He gave me eyes to see a need – a need that is everywhere. Not just in Africa, but in America, too.
Children need families.
My son wasn’t living in an orphanage, but he deserved a family just as much as any orphan in the world.
So we said yes.
The Lord says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Our adoption didn’t end up looking how we initially thought it would, but there’s no doubt it was God’s plan.
Ethiopia will always hold a special place in my heart, and maybe, just maybe, my feet will touch the soil someday.
Read more about Jennifer’s adoption story in her book “Bringing Home the Missing Linck: A Journey of Faith to Family.” Enter to win a copy via the Rafflecopter widget at the end of the post!
Jennifer Jackson Linck loves to share how God answered her heart’s cry to be a mother and is passionate about adoption, orphan care, and encouraging others struggling with infertility.
Her book, “Bringing Home the Missing Linck: A Journey of Faith to Family” (affiliate link) was released in October. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Jennifer received a bachelor’s degree in journalism and spent several years working as a reporter for The Oklahoman. As a ghostwriter, Jennifer completed the book Common Threads in 2011 with author Patty Bultman.
Jennifer is a Texan at heart but resides in Oklahoma with her husband, John, and their son, Jackson. She is unashamed of her addiction to Dr. Pepper and loves anything related to a cupcake.
She blogs about her faith, family, and adoption at www.jenniferjacksonlinck.com to encourage women struggling with infertility and/or traveling the crazy, overwhelming, and expensive road to adoption. Jennifer hopes to offer a glimmer of hope to first-time mothers who aren’t quite sure what they’ve gotten themselves into.