Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story. We are so excited to be beginning this process and hope you enjoy finding out a little bit about the Hollands.
As high school sweethearts, we fell in love quickly in life. We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary this past December and have been in love for over 10 years. All of the things we have been through together has brought us to this point. We’ve been praying for our future family for a long time and know that God has put adoption on our hearts for a reason. We are so ready for a sweet baby to join our crazy little family!
We are both lucky enough to work in the education system. Working every day with students who inspire us more than anyone can imagine. Allison is an Instructional Coach. Helping, teaching, and leading teachers to implement instruction that is student focused, relevant, fun, and challenging. Andrew works with high school special needs students in the same corporation as Allison. We are blessed to be able to work so close together, in a town with lots to offer and amazing people.
When we started talking about adopting a child, we researched all of the different routes we could take. In our search, we found a great agency (Independent Adoption Center) that is centered around open adoption. We went to Indy a few weeks ago for an informational session where we learned all about the open adoption process. Going into this session, we did not know if open adoption was for us. When we left, we knew it was.We get to develop a relationship with our baby’s biological family. There will be no questions about our baby’s background and health issues. Our baby will always know where they came from and understand that they were not abandoned or given up, but their mother chose a better life for them.
We’ve started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the funding that we need to make our adoption a success. We have a donation goal of $8,000 that will go towards the initial cost of the adoption and to support the birthmother. We have known we were called to adopt since we started dating in high school and know that God will provide! All the funds raised will go directly to our chosen agency, IAC. The mission of the Independent Adoption Center (IAC) is to provide open adoption placement and counseling to birth and adoptive families to ensure that every child grows up feeling loved and supported. We are so excited to be working with them and have been thrilled with the people and process.
To go along with our Pure Charity, we are holding a fundraising party in a few weeks to inform, answer questions and spread the word among our church family, co-workers, and community. Its going to be a lake party with food, live music, and boat rides! Part of this party will include a 1-100 envelope selection. Supporters select an envelope they are comfortable donating with and put the corresponding donation with the number on the envelope.
This is going to be a very exhausting, frustrating and beautiful time for us and we ask that you help us in praying for our baby and their mother wherever they might be.
Again, thank you so much for reading our story and we pray that you keep us in your thoughts as we continue this exciting adventure.
To read more about our story please visit our blog www.alreadyaholland.com.
Fundraiser: www.purecharity.com/alreadyaholland
Blog: www.alreadyaholland.com
Twitter Hashtag: #alreadyaholland.
Each Friday I’ll feature a different fundraising adoptive family. My hope is that we can support each other and also learn from each other. For submission guidelines, go here.