But the ride was amongst an AMAZING community. Hundreds of people indescribably passionate about the orphan. While we are fortunate to have friends and family who understand our passion and support us I know there were many at T4A who spend most of their time feeling alienated because of their strong passion. How amazing for us all to come together and support and encourage one another.
Worship with this group was goose bump-inducing. The Holy Spirit was there – fully present – as Aaron Ivey led us to the throne in worship so many times during the two days. I will totally cop to crying – like full on, can’t-sing-a-word UGLY crying! It was beautiful (the worship, NOT my face). And I know I wasn’t the only one. Thank you Aaron and band!
I have so many thoughts to share from the conference that I know it will probably be several posts worth.
Today I’m going to camp on this one.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”
Psalms 68:5
The verse is not a new revelation. In fact as an orphan community it’s one of our favorites. But on Saturday Robert Gelanis of Colorado Community Church said something that made so many of us go “Wow!”
If God is father to the fatherless then that means he is a husband.
Who is his bride?
The church.
That means the church is the mother of the fatherless.
Of course we know that as a church we need to be caring for the orphan, no one was clueless on that. But to put it in that perspective was like a light bulb going on.
God is not father to SOME of the fatherless. He is a father to all of them.
So how, as the church, are we going to become a mother to ALL of them.
Not some. All.