As promised Tom wrote about our beautiful Mary. Go read it, and be touched.
There are also a couple great posts on Erin’s blog here and here
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As promised Tom wrote about our beautiful Mary. Go read it, and be touched.
There are also a couple great posts on Erin’s blog here and here
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The easiest way to do that is by following the link below, then click on the orange “ChipIn” button on the right side. So far we’ve raised $160 ($150 via check).
We leave a week from today and we will take whatever money we have with us then and use it to meet whatever needs we see.
By the way, if you are interested in sponsoring one of the kids at Hope for the Hopeless at $20 a month, put a comment below and I will get you more info.
Updated: Got another pledge of $50 coming via check so we’re up to $235. Yeah!
Updated again: Okay, somehow my ChipIn page isn’t showing all the money. We’re up to $325 counting checks! You guys rock!
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Quite honestly we view everything in a completely different light. When you soak in the true need of others and the plight of so many in this world I find it hard to believe that anyone can be the same. While Mark has gotten to see it first hand during his trip to Africa last Spring, I have immersed myself in it in other ways.
There are times when the needs seem overwhelming and it is so easy to say “I can’t change anything”. But that is a lie from Satan himself. One person can make a difference. One person can change one life, or many. It is a choice we must each make for ourselves. Will we surrender all and let God use us?
For us, the care of orphans has become a passion, including spreading the message of caring for orphans as we are commanded by scripture. For some that will mean adoption, for others it will mean sponsorship, or mission trips.
Several months ago we joined forces with several other Christian adoptive families to form The Grafted Tree. Our vision is to:
One of the ways we are doing this is by creating a presentation team that would be available to talk to church groups, MOPS groups or any other gathering about the great need to care for children both locally and globally.
Not long after our group had formed, God crossed our paths with Pastor Surafel – an Ethiopian national who pastors an evangelical Ethopian church here in Phoenix and who also runs an ministry in Ethiopia called Hope for the Hopeless.
Hope for the Hopeless is in the progress of building two new dormitories on a 7 acre piece of land in Ethiopia. These homes will provide for 72 orphans. An additional $25,000 is needed to complete the buildings – windows, doors, furniture, etc. The need is urgent because until the children are moved in and the land is being used it can be seized by the government and all Hope’s work would be lost. (Read more.)
Several Phoenix churches are joining together to host a night of worship for Hope for the Hopeless. If you live in the Phoenix area we would love to have you attend.
Windows and Doors Worship Event
Friday, September 26th
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Free – Love offering will be taken
The Salvation Army Citadel
628 N. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ