Just got back from church tonight. We’re doing a really cool series called “iGod”. (See more) Tonight’s message was “i am not, but i know I AM’ – talking about how basically we are nothing but God is everything. In the message Greg used the passage of Moses and the burning bush…
Exodus 3:3-4
Suddenly, the angel of the LORD appeared to him as a blazing fire in a bush. Moses was amazed because the bush was engulfed in flames, but it didn’t burn up. “Amazing!” Moses said to himself. “Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go over to see this.”When the LORD saw that he had caught Moses’ attention, God called to him from the bush, “Moses! Moses!”
“Here I am!” Moses replied.
So a burning bush caught Moses’ attention, but what would it take God, today, to catch my attention? I’m so busy rushing about my life, dropping off kids, cleaning house, working, serving. Do I ever really slow down long enough to let God get my attention? I’d hate to think that he’d have to do something severe in my life to get me to stop and listen to him.
So I’m slowing down and listening.