And this momma got FED UP!
So yesterday I told them “No More!” and that from now on there would be a seating chart that would change every Monday morning.
Last night I came up with this:
It ain’t pretty, but it works. There is a five week rotation – for two weeks we sit boy/boy & girl/girl (but not in the same spot) and after that we rotate so they get to sit with each person but in different spots. So two of the five weeks they are sitting by the same person and somewhere in there they repeat their “seat”. I printed them up, stapled them together and they will stay in the van. I have plans to make them look a little nicer, laminate them and put them on a key ring to leave in the car.
Dad took the kids to school this morning so I haven’t heard how the implementation went, but I am hoping that it will cause a lot less problems.