If you are passionate about the orphan there are two large “main” conferences each year. First is the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit, the second is Together for Adoption. The latter is going to be in Phoenix in October so you’ll hear plenty about that later this summer and fall. In fact I will personally hound all my friends until you sign up.
But I’m getting super excited for CAFO which is May 12-13 (so I’ll spend my birthday in airports) in Louisville, KY. Last year CAFO was my first orphan conference and I loved every bit of it. So much awesome worship and energy coming from like-minded people. Fantastic keynote speakers and so many great breakout sessions it’s hard to choose.
We’ve got a couple World Orphans staff people presenting breakouts and taking part in panel discussions related to what we do as an organization. Then I get to share about a personal passion of mine – creative fundraising for adoption.
Mark and I did our entire adoption debt free and I know that the cost is what holds a lot of people back from adopting. I want to help them understand that there are so many ways that you can raise funds. I don’t want dollar signs to stand in ANYONE’s way.
Registration is up and there’s tons more details on the web site.