Why? Let me count the ways…
When you give Buddy a treat he sniffs, gently licks and then nibbles until he gently takes it from you. Seriously, he could eat from a baby’s hand. He’s so gentle.
Snickers would lunge at your hand and scarf down said treat while leaving a long string a drool from your hand to her mouth.
While we eat dinner Buddy lays in the other room and sleeps.
Snickers was always sitting next to the table, eyes darting from one person to the next waiting for an opportunity to lunge for some unwatched food.
At night Buddy sleeps on the floor in our room. He has not yet attempted to get on our bed.
Snickers would jump up on the bed and promptly curl up on one of our pillows. When you attempted to move her she would rumble/growl at you grumpily while moving.
Buddy has yet to swallow anything but dog food, treats and medicine.
Snickers was known to swallow/eat batteries, socks, eyeglasses, cash, and any number of weird items. It’s a miracle she lived as long as she did.
Buddy takes his medicine, squished in a bread ball, and eats it nicely.
No matter how well you disguised it Snickers had a unique talent for sucking off/eating everything BUT the pill which she would then promptly spit out.
Buddy lays nearby watching while you load and unload the dishwasher.
Snickers would always have stand on the open dishwasher door to lick food off the plates and lick up any water.
Buddy knows when he’s wrong. If you find him with something that isn’t his, say one of the kids stuffed animals, as soon as you start to walk over he stops chewing and lets you take it.
Snickers would latch on with all her might to illegal item and growl desperately while you used all your strength to get it away from her.
Do you see why we’re wondering?
Not that I’m complaining! Goodness no! I am thanking my lucky stars we somehow seemed to have gotten the world’s calmest, most well-mannered 8-month-old dog.