To help spread the word I am having a really super fun contest!!
What you have to do to enter:
Spread the word about the book using THE BOOK WEBSITE – http://www.adoptwithoutdebt.com I’m going to make it SUPER easy for you w/ pre-written twitter messages and everything 🙂 (See below.) Do not link back here. (Well, you can share the contest but you don’t get entries for that.)
You will get ONE entry EACH time you do one of the following between Monday 5/2 at 6 a.m. Eastern and Friday midnight Eastern. Each action MUST include a link to the book website.
BUT, you must leave a separate comment EACH time you complete an action. I will use a random number generator to pick the winner so the more times your name shows up in the comments section, the better. If you post one comment and tell me about 3 things you did, it’s only going to count as 1 entry. Sorry, I know it’s a bit of a pain but it’s the best way for me to manage the process.
- Tweet about the book (you can tweet 2 times per day for a possible 10 entries – but space them out please and vary the message)
- Share on Facebook (up to twice a day for a possible 10 entries)
- Blog about the book and link to the book website (include the URL of your blog entry in your comment)
- Put a blog badge on your blog (see below)
- I have a couple bloggers reviewing the book this week. You can FB share and tweet each of their reviews once for 1 entry each. (I’ll post the blog reviews below.)
- Email your social worker letting her know about the book.
- Email your case manager or agency contact and let them know about the book as a resource for other adoptive parents.
- Post on your agency Yahoo group or discussion board
- Post on other adoption related boards you belong to (as long as it doesn’t violate list rules). (If someone has already posted, just reply to their post with a comment – don’t spam up the board. If several people have already commented, skip it. I don’t want to make any list owners mad 🙂
- Pre-order a copy of the book from Amazon.com. (If you end up winning a copy in the giveaway I’ll refund your money, or you can give the extra one away.)
The Grand Prize Package
Beautiful silver necklace from Ethiopia. Handcrafted by HIV+ women at the Entoto Outreach program.
Your choice of two window decals from available countries (Ethiopia, China, Haiti, Guatemala, South Korea, Liberia, India & United States)
Two autographed Tom Davis books – “Fields of the Fatherless” and “Red Letters.” (I devoured both of these at the beginning of our adoption process.)
Wood Ethiopian cross
Dave Ramsey’s “Total Money Makeover” book (LIFE CHANGING)
Deluxe envelope system wallet from DaveRamsey.com (vital to sticking w/ a budget)
A beautiful handcrafted magnet/photo holder from Debi Jenkins Etsy store. (The Jenkins family is featured in the book.)
A $10 Starbucks gift card
A $15 iTunes gift card
One free copy of “Adopt Without Debt” – keep for yourself or give it away.
Pretty fun, huh!
So here’s some helpful messaging for you….
Tweets/Facebook Message ideas (140 characters or less)
Considering adoption but concerned about cost? “Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover Cost of Adoption” http://adoptwithoutdebt.com/
Need #adoption #fundraising ideas? $65k of them in this book – plus info on grants and saving money http://adoptwithoutdebt.com/
Every adoptive couple needs this book on creative ways to cover the cost of #adoption http://adoptwithoutdebt.com/
Blog Badges
(Right click and “Save Image As…”)