Oh wait, not for you…sorry…it’s even better.
$15,000 to help farmers in rural africa increase their crops by 1,000% (Which means rising out of poverty, sending their kids to school…..)
You don’t have to give a dime (but you can), just 10 minutes.
The Gates Foundation (yes, THAT Gates) is issued a challenge to help discover innovate ways to help rural farmers and show their importance.
Well, remember my friends over at The AdVenture Project (the ones who had the awesome World Water Day challenge you helped with). Well it just so happens that their project this quarter is about rural farmers!! The had launched it a few weeks prior but they came up with something even more fun.
The One to 1,000 challenge is designed to help them spread the word about Kickstart Irrigation Pumps. They have 10 days (well 7 days are left) to get 1,000 people to create an about.me profile and use it to highlight their project.
If they reach their goal of 1,000 people, sponsors will donate almost $15,000 to the project. (Each pump costs $60 so that’s 250 farmers that would be helped.) You can help them stretch that by “placing a bet” and agreeing to donate any dollar amount if they reach the 1,000 goal.
Setting up an about.me page is super easy and they’ve got all the info HERE, including pictures you can use, etc.
So, 10 minutes? Pretty please? (If you’re really ambitious make one for your spouse too 🙂
(Be sure to go back to the campaign page and register your about.me page when you’re done.)