“I thought you were done having kids.”
Several people said that to me, some while looking at me like I’d just announced I was going to audition for The Voice.
Granted, they had every right to look at me like I was nuts. I had been quite vocal for the past four years that our family was complete. I had a boy and a girl – I was all done. No more kids. We had even taken surgical steps.
The youngest would enter kindergarten soon. Freedom was on the horizon.
But you know what they say, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” Better yet, blog about it. I can’t find it but somewhere there floats a blog post in which I tell my mother-in-law that our social butterfly four year old (now 11) will have to find a way to exist in our “small family” after being with her 5 cousins for the week.
Oh how God must have roared with laughter.
Thankfully all our “your crazy” reactions were done out of surprise but with love. I know we were fortunate. Not everyone gets the same amazing reactions we did.
For me, I just had to swallow my pride a bit and say, “Well, I guess that will teach me to never say never.”
Don’t be too quick to judge anyone’s reaction. Not everyone handles shocking news well. Some people need time to process it. Use your best instincts and don’t feel like you have to answer to anyone. It’s your family’s decision. Share as much or as little information about how you reached the decision to adopt.
What’s the weirdest reaction you’ve gotten to your adoption news?
P.S. Don’t forget, the electronic version of Adopt Without Debt for $2.99 until midnight tonight. That’s a $5 savings. If you know someone who’s thinking about adopting, please pass on the news.
The strangest reaction to our adoption announcement was “My, you guys certainly are busy.” Hahah. I almost spit out my tea. I never would have guessed that would be anyone’s reaction, but I know it was just the initial shock that caused it.
My hubby, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as understanding about it for a little bit.