Yesterday we talked about the people that think you’re crazy when you announce you’re going to adopt.
In the beginning you meet those reactions with all smiles and hope and happiness.
But at some point in the adoption process you stop and realize, “HOLY CRAP, I think they were right!!!”
The doubt will creep in.
What are we doing?
Our life is totally going to change!
This is costing us a fortune.
What if the kid hates us?
What if our bio kids hate us for doing this?
How am I going to manage four kids when some days I can barely manage two?
That last one was the one that got to me. Over and over. Every time we had a rough parenting day (and there are quite a few), I’d wonder what on earth possessed me to think I could effectively parent four kids. And help two of them navigate all of the issues inherent with adoption and grief.
But I finally realized a few things:
- Every parent wonders if they’re doing a good enough job whether they have adopted kids or not. Parenting is the toughest thing you’ll ever do, and definitely the hardest.
- Satan was having a heyday with my doubts and insecurities. Wouldn’t he love to convince us that we can’t handle adoption. Wouldn’t he love to see more children without the love and security of a family – easy prey for him.
- I can’t do it. At least not alone. Maybe I needed to be reminded of that. That I am not in this alone. Not only do I have an amazing parenting partner in my husband. But I have Christ. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
Are you crazy?
Quite possibly yes.
But God asks his followers to do some CRAZY things! Build a giant ark, sacrifice a son, part the Red Sea… I mean, really, how crazy does adoption sound after that???
After yesterday’s post, my friend Tracie Loux shared the post on Facebook and added, “I collect crazy people!!”
At least we’re all in the crazy boat together, right 🙂
You totally got this.
And God’s got you!!